Thursday, October 20, 2011

Cardboard Canoe Challenge

Here are some pictures of our sketches, scale models, and the actual canoe:

We ended up creating a different design for the boat.

Scale Models:

This design was our original choice, it was shaped like a canoe and used oars.

This canoe had a stabilizer to help keep it from tipping over.

This design was basically a normal canoe, but it had a flat back instead of the same features flowing throughout it.

The Canoe:
This was the canoe before assembly.
The walls are put on in this picture.
Here's me testing out the boat. It was actually pretty comfortable.

Now you see the boat being covered with duck tape. This will seal it so water is not as likely to get into the boat.

Achievements that my team accomplished: (4)
1) Sketch Ideas-  My team did three drawings for three possible boat designs as shown above
2) Prototype ideas- As shown above
3) Build It!- As shown above
4) Redesign- I would have put more stabilizers on the boat so that it would balance better